Other Investments

CIC Partners

A middle market private equity firm that invests in growth-oriented companies primarily in the food, restaurant, healthcare and energy industries.

Burnett family interests in 2012– current, have invested in the CIC Partners fund III, IV, V and CIC Broadjump. Additionally, CIC has also been a shareholder partner in Magnolia Petroleum Company LLC., Arcadia Exploration and Production Company, Triumph Pacific Oil and Gas Corporation and Canada Energy Partners Inc.

Actus Logistics, LLC

A third-party logistics provider specializing in air and land transportation solutions, prioritizing in cost savings while working closely with customers supply chains.

In 2017, Burnett family interests provided start-up capital for preferred return and equity.

Choctaw Capital, LLC

A capital investment company that leverages years of experience investing in various privately held businesses. Choctaw Capital strives to identify owner operators and management teams whose companies present compelling opportunities for growth. Our premise is centered on an alignment and partnership with operators.

Burnett Family Trusts hold a majority interest in Choctaw Capital.

JetCav, LLC

JetCav LLC owns a wellbore mining technology (patent pending) that has multiple potential applications, including shale oil, coalbed methane, uranium, diamonds, potash, et al. JetCav LLC’s strategy is to try to leverage its technology to earn equity interests in these resource plays. Uranium is the highest value target per well; but shale oil has the greatest play potential. JetCav LLC currently has entered into a farm-out agreement with the inventor of the technology on a specific, high-potential shale oil play in Louisiana/Mississippi.

In 2021, Burnett Family interests acquired a 15.4% common share interest in JetCav LLC.

Magnolia Petroleum Company

Magnolia Petroleum Company was founded in 2013 by majority investors CIC Partners along with Burnett family trusts. The CIC interest is now owned by Standard Mutual Assurance Company of Houston Texas and the Burnett family interest has remained constant.