Montclair Minerals

Based in Dallas Texas, Montclair Minerals is focused on acquiring oil and gas mineral rights across the United States. Montclair Minerals current portfolio began in the 1930’s primarily in the eastern regions of Texas.

Sell Your Mineral Rights & Royalties

Montclair’s areas of interest are across the United States. With our experience BUYING MINERAL RIGHTS and royalties, we believe we are able to accurately VALUE YOUR MINERAL RIGHTS, oil & gas royalties and overriding royalty interests and purchase those assets at the best price today. We work with property owners who want to sell their mineral rights to offer an upfront cash payment, rather than the smaller monthly royalty payments from a traditional lease arrangement. We will work with you to provide a FAIR PURCHASE PRICE FOR YOUR MINERAL RIGHTS, royalties or overriding royalty interests.

For an evaluation, email us at